Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lane Kiffin vs Haiti...

Ok, so there's been a ton of talk about Lane Kiffen leaving UT for USC and what a horrible thing to do, yada yada, blah blah blah. And there's been a lot of bashing of those people for focusing there instead of on the earthquake in Haiti. Yes, it's bad there. But for most people, it's so far away, that it's somehow not entirely real.

At least, I know for me, that's how it could seem. Before the Crazy Love campaign at our church, I didn't know what the plight of Haiti was other than it wasn't a flourishing country. I didn't know about the children being orphaned and living on the streets. I didn't know that there were orphanages that had people running them who "rented" out the kids to be sexual slaves. I didn't know that the kids who weren't in those orphanages, and even some that were, lived off of mud cookies (dirt & water). I didn't know that garbage was thrown into the ocean on one side of the island where it would just wash up on the other...if it was even thrown in the ocean instead of the typical place...the side of the road. I didn't know that a public bathroom meant just going wherever you stood at the time you had to go. Before Crazy Love, Haiti was just a country that needed something.

Now, they need more. Long Hollow Baptist Church is collecting blankets on Sunday morning to send to our affiliates there in Haiti. The Global Orphan Project is allowing us to be a part of their mission there. If you want to donate, go to and find out how you can be a part.

Before Crazy Love, I didn't hurt for those people, because they had no faces. Now, they do...and they are hurting. You can help.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Wonder Wall

I wonder why kids in school look younger and younger every year.
I wonder why God didn't give every single person common sense (I include myself here).
I wonder why some stories move us to tears, but not action.
I wonder why some stories move us to action, but from anger.
I wonder why some stories don't move us at all.
I wonder why music has the power to invoke every emotion...sometimes all at once.
I wonder why my teen can't just go with the first outfit choice of the day.
I wonder why my pre-teen doesn't give a hoot what she wears.
I wonder if my 5 year old really will go into the CIA...she's gotta future in sneaky.
I wonder if my 3 year old loves her hair as much as everyone else does.
I wonder if this world will ever go back to the way it was...only updated.
I wonder when the network censor lost his job.
I wonder if I'll ever get back to Wales.
I wonder if I'll ever lose that darned baby weight. (Yea, I know how old my youngest is-ha ha!)
I wonder why Folgers' Christmas commercials always tug my heart strings.
I wonder sometimes, why my husband loves me.
I wonder why I had the need and desire to rebel so intensely growing up.
I wonder what goes through the minds of some parents when their daughters' skirts are too mini to even be a mini.
I wonder why we don't say what we mean at all times instead of saying what we mean to gossip.
I wonder why some women think that he really loves you because he's seen your best "assets" in that dress you're sort of wearing.
I wonder why some men use women like kleenex.
I wonder why the 10 Commandments are so hard to obey.
I wonder what I could have been...if only...
What I don't wonder...Jeremiah 29:11

What are your wonderings?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Time Off...

So my last blog was 3 years ago. It was also the first for this blog site. I've changed everything up, I've gotten some new material...but mostly, I've forgotten how wonderful it is to put it all in writing. I'm a true believer that if you get it all on paper (or in this case, screen), you can be as mad, as happy, as insane, as thoughtful, as open as you want. If anyone reads it or even if they don't, at least it's out of your system. This used to be my outlet. Oh, how I've missed my outlet.

So, no more bottling it up. No more trying to find a way to say what I mean in a conversation, which if you've had a conversation with me lately you'll know it's just a rambling, vomiting of EVERYTHING going on with me. You have taken the place of my outlet and for that I am truly sorry.

For now though, I'm a mixed-up, half-insane, struggling, searching for meaning mom of 4 just trying to find where I fit best.

Thanks for coming along for the ride...if anyone has bought a ticket.