Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Wonder Wall

I wonder why kids in school look younger and younger every year.
I wonder why God didn't give every single person common sense (I include myself here).
I wonder why some stories move us to tears, but not action.
I wonder why some stories move us to action, but from anger.
I wonder why some stories don't move us at all.
I wonder why music has the power to invoke every emotion...sometimes all at once.
I wonder why my teen can't just go with the first outfit choice of the day.
I wonder why my pre-teen doesn't give a hoot what she wears.
I wonder if my 5 year old really will go into the CIA...she's gotta future in sneaky.
I wonder if my 3 year old loves her hair as much as everyone else does.
I wonder if this world will ever go back to the way it was...only updated.
I wonder when the network censor lost his job.
I wonder if I'll ever get back to Wales.
I wonder if I'll ever lose that darned baby weight. (Yea, I know how old my youngest is-ha ha!)
I wonder why Folgers' Christmas commercials always tug my heart strings.
I wonder sometimes, why my husband loves me.
I wonder why I had the need and desire to rebel so intensely growing up.
I wonder what goes through the minds of some parents when their daughters' skirts are too mini to even be a mini.
I wonder why we don't say what we mean at all times instead of saying what we mean to gossip.
I wonder why some women think that he really loves you because he's seen your best "assets" in that dress you're sort of wearing.
I wonder why some men use women like kleenex.
I wonder why the 10 Commandments are so hard to obey.
I wonder what I could have been...if only...
What I don't wonder...Jeremiah 29:11

What are your wonderings?


  1. Wow! Thats good. I might have to do that one myself. :)

  2. Welcome back to blogosphere, Cubbie Fan. Watch out . . . I am a blog stalker. :-)

  3. I am so with you sister. I love to read your thoughts and learn more about you. Thanks for sharing.
