Monday, February 1, 2010

A Daily Day...

Today is Day eleventy-billion and seven that we've been home in this "snowpocalypse" and I'm not even cabin fever-y yet. How is this possible, you ask? Well, just take into consideration an average day for me...minus the snow.

3 AM: Ellie knocks on the door with excuse du noir for why she needs to get in our bed.
4:30 AM: Finally back asleep...with Ellie making an "H" out of Mat and me.
5:45 AM: Linzy is up...and hungry!
6:15 AM: I finally give in and get up. Make the babies breakfast and wake the big girls.
6:20 AM: Wake the girls again!
6:30 AM: Finish Haley's hair and tell Casey to get up...again!
7:10 AM: Get the babies to get into warm clothes to take the girls to school...start the countdown.
7:15 AM: Yell, "IT'S 7:15!" And sit with the babies who are beginning to sweat in their coats.
7:20 AM: Tell the girls we have to go NOW...and then send Casey to brush her teeth while Haley changes her clothes again.
7:25 AM: We are finally headed to school.

I'll stop here. On snow days, it goes like this...I get up at 7:20ish to wait on my sister's kiddos to watch while she's at work. I fix a big breakfast. We snuggle and watch a movie.

Now, you tell me...would you want to go anywhere if all of your mornings began like that??? If you said "yes," keep reading...

This is my afternoon...

2 PM: Get the babies in their coats to head to get my nephews and niece from their bus stop.
2:25 PM: At the bus stop...waiting.
2:30 PM: The kids get off the bus and into my van.
2:33 PM: Finally get Chloe to get buckled and Carson to sit all the way back and head to get Casey.
2:35 PM: First stop the bus (which is now in front of us) makes.
2:36 PM: Second stop.
2:36:45 PM: Third stop. ( get the picture. Elapsed time, coming up!)
2:45 PM: Arrive at Hunter to get Casey.
2:54 PM: Casey is in the car and we are headed to get Haley.
2:57 PM: Arrive at Beech to pick up Haley. And remind all kids to get buckled back up because it only takes a minute to get her.
2:58 PM: On the road again with all 7 kids headed to the house for snacks and homework.
**Now if it's a Tuesday**
3:05 PM: Get home, get snacks packed as the 3 youngest girls get changed for ballet.
3:30 PM: Pack everyone but the big girls into the van to leave for ballet.
3:33 PM: Finally get Chloe to get buckled and Carson to sit all the way back.
3:55 PM: Arrive at ballet and send Ellie to her class.
4-5 PM: Wait in a chair, talking with the other moms until Ellie's class is over.
5-6 PM: Wait in a chair, talking with the other moms until Linzy's class is over.

Ok, so do you see why I'm perfectly fine with NOT going anywhere?!?

And soccer season starts in a month!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are busy, Mrs. Carrie! I am glad you all enjoyed your snow days. I will have to show this to my Mom, she would appreciate this and could definitely relate!
